Spot AM+PM Pimple Patches
Spot AM+PM Pimple Patches
Spot AM+PM Pimple Patches

Spot AM+PM Pimple Patches

Regular price $12.00 Sale price $7.00 Save $5.00
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Fight stubborn pimples with the AM/PM Spot Fighters trial pack! These54 patches total 30 AM patches (10mm) - for daytime wear 24 PM patches (14 mm) - for nighttime wearhydrocolloid patches are perfect for dealing with acne and spots! They’ll draw out the gunk and lead your pimple towards the process of healing!

  • 54 Patches
  • 30 AM patches (10mm)- for daytime wear
  • 24 PM patches (14 mm)- for nighttime wear

*FaceTory says no to animal cruelty, harsh chemicals, and artificial fragrance.*